Cancer Treatment
Immuno-Therapy for Cancer

Despite numerous advances in medicine, cancer remains a major health problem. It is the second leading cause of death in the world yet much still not known about mechanisms of establishment and definitive modalities of complete cure. Globally it is estimated that there are 7.6 million new cancer case, which 52% occur in developing countries every year. The magnitude of the problem of cancer in world wild especially Malaysian Sub-Continent in terms of sheer number is almost alarming. The estimated around 90-100000 people in Malaysia living with cancer. The crude incidence of cancer in Malaysia is approximately 1 per 4 populations. The Cancer in women in Malaysia Sub-continent constitutes more than 50% of the total cancer.
Although the common treatment modalities such as surgery and/or chemo and radiotherapies have played major roles in bringing down the mortality and morbidity to a significant extent, complete cure is still uncertain and the prognosis varies depending upon the stage and the type of the disease. Even when patients experience tumor regression immediately after therapy, recurrence or metastasis (spreading to other part of the body) can occur later. Almost every day several cancer cells are formed in our body. This is because thousands of cells divisions take place in our body every day and few of such divisions resulting in mutated cells result in the birth of cancer cells. But this is immediately tackled by the body’s immune system. The immune system is a complex network of cells and organs comprising of lymphocytes, macrophages, Dentritic cells, Natural Killer cells (NK Cells), Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTL) , lymph nodes etc., that work together to defend the body against attack by “foreign” or “non-self” invaders including cancer cells. Immediately upon a cancer cells is recognized, Lymphocytes get activated and engulf the same and/or the NK cells attack the cancer cell to kill it. When the immune system efficacy is overwhelmed, by the cancer formation abundantly or when the immune system is weaker, then cancer evolves as a disease and start growing.
The variable nature of cancerous cells, each cancer behaves somewhat unique. In general, a multipronged approach to cancer is vital as cancer grows at different rates and responds to different treatment and people with each specific cancer need specific combination of treatment aimed at their particular kind of cancer. When the spread of cancer is very deep, total removal of the cancer growth by surgery may not be possible. At times, after removing a portion of the cancer growth, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy may be necessary to treat to remnant portion of cancer. It has been widely recognized that Chemotherapy of cancer has profound toxic side effects and has limitations in efficacy. Radiotherapy is also a very effective mode of treatment in certain types of cancer, with its own adverse effects as well. These two modalities affect not only the cancer affected cells, but also normal cells.
In the multipronged approach to treat cancer, the latest scientific advancement has yielded Immune therapy and cancer vaccines as well. Consequently many patient with advanced cancer opt for less toxic therapies like immune cell therapy and cancer vaccine which are collectively known as Biological therapy.
Immunotherapy is a promising new addition to the family of cancer treatments that includes surgery, chemotherapy, radio-therapy and cancer vaccines. This mode of treatment uses to body’s immune system, either directly or indirectly, to fight cancer by enhancing the immune mechanisms of the body. As this therapy uses only the patient own cells for treatment, it is very safe and doesn’t result in any allergy any combining this with the conventional therapy(ies) appropriately as per the patient’s condition, type of cancer and regimen of chemo/ratio therapies, improve the outcome. As the immune cells of the patient upon transfusion don’t affect the normal functioning cells of the body, it is furthermore safe.
Immune Cell therapy called Autologous Immune Enhancement Therapy (AIET) is a treatment method in which some immune cells are taken out one of the method of patient’s own (Autologous) peripheral blood or bone marrow which are cultured and processed to be activated or to acquire additional functions until their resistance to cancer is strengthened and the cells are put back in the body.By injecting back the activated Immune cells to patient, the immune cells are able to kill cancer in the patient’s body and prolonged their life. AIET can also be given as a preventive measure for those who are high risk to get cancer with combination with life style changes thus it reduces risk of getting cancer in the future.
Another immunotherapy methods provided in Klinik Holistic Healthcare is using a combination of herbal, nutritional, detoxify & functional food therapy with a proper protocol using Integrated medical approach to boost up patient’s immune system to kill cancer cells in their body & to optimize patient’s health to fight against cancer. In some cases, it shows remission among our cancer patients. This Immunotherapy method can be used together as in adjunct to the conventional therapy or without conventional therapy are showing to prolonged cancer patient’s life especially advanced cancer. It has been shown that integrated medical approach has a better outcome and able to improve quality of life of a patient. This is also stated by many integrated doctors worldwide in their clinical experience. Integrated medical approach is by combining western, naturopathic, herbalist, nutritional & food therapy approach has a promising result in the future to aim for a better quality of health care for all the cancer patients.