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What is EECP therapy?
Solve your problem of
Angina (chest pain), Heart Disease
Angioplasty, By-pass surgery, Lifelong medication or
other painful & expensive procedures!
EECP Therapy Malaysia
Safest, Non-Surgical, US-FDA Approved, treatment for
Angina, Coronary Artery Disease & Heart Failure.

A simple, effective, non-invasive solution
to the complex problem of angina, Coronary artery disease and heart failure.
Working mechanism
In the words of Larry King
How does EECP compare to conventional treatment options?
For people with angina or heart failure, even simple activities — such as going to the mailbox or walking the dog — can be challenging.
If you are one of these people, take heart. There is a non-invasive treatment called EECP (Extended Cardio Pulsation) Therapy that clinical experience has shown to be safe and to have benefit for the treatment of angina and heart failure. Approximately 80% of patients who complete the 35-hour course of EECP Therapy experience significant symptom relief that may last up to three years.
EECP Therapy is an outpatient treatment for angina and heart failure. Treatments are usually given for an hour each day, five days a week, for a total of 35 hours. During the treatment, you lie on a comfortable treatment table with large blood pressure-like cuffs wrapped around your legs and buttocks. These cuffs inflate and deflate at specific times between your heartbeats. A continuous electro cardiogram (ECG) is used to set the timing so the cuffs inflate while the heart is at rest, when it normally gets its supply of blood and oxygen. The cuffs deflate at the end of that rest period, just before the next heart beat. The special sensor applied to your finger checks the oxygen level in your blood and monitors the pressure waves created by the cuff inflations and deflations.

Cuffs inflate rapidly from the calves toward the thighs, initiating pulse wave.
Cuffs inflation continues, forcing fresh oxygenated blood towards the coronary arteries.
Inflation around upper thighs, sends high volume of blood to the heart as pressure increases.
Heart prepares for ventricular contraction; computer instructs the deflation valves.
Rapid release of pressure as cuffs deflate facilitating cardiac unloading.
Repeat 1 through 5 for
1 hour.

Advantages & Benefits of EECP
EECP works!! and delivers long terms positive results.
EECP is non-surgical and non-invasive.
EECP pain-less and safe.
EECP does not need any recovery time. You are free to carry on your regular daily activities after each session.
EECP has ZERO negative side effects.
EECP drastically improves blood circulation - increases oxygen supply to entire body and aids in excreting toxins from entire body.
EECP is like "exercise without exercise" - produces the same effects over the cardiovascular system as would a 6 mile walk.
EECP is very affordable as compared to angioplasty and by-pass surgery.
Before EECP
After EECP
Are you a candidate for EECP Therapy?
You may be a candidate for EECP therapy if:
You have angina and/or heart failure.
Your heart medications no longer relieve your angina or heart failure symptoms.
You have had open-heart (bypass) surgery, a balloon angioplasty or stent, or other invasive procedures, and your symptoms have returned.
You have diabetes and want to prevent any heart blocks occuring as a result.
You have high blood pressure or stroke.
You have been told you cannot have another bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty or stent, or other invasive procedures.
You have chosen not to have any further surgery, angioplasties or invasive procedures.
You do not have any other medical conditions that may prevent you from having ECP Therapy.
You have avascular necrosis.
You have early kidney disease.
You suffer from chronic fatigue.
What are the advantages of EECP Therapy?
Unlike bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty, and stenting procedures, EECP therapy is not invasive, carries no risk, is comfortable, has no recovery period, does not require a hospital stay, is administered in outpatient sessions and allows you to return to your routine each day after receiving treatment.
What are the benefits of EECP Therapy?
Most patients experience positive results, such as the following:
Having no angina or angina that is less frequent and less intense
Having more energy
Being able to take part in more activities of daily living with little or no angina or heart failure symptoms Enjoying a better quality of life
Having a more positive outlook.
How long does EECP treatment take?
The standard course of treatment is one hour per day, five days per week, for seven weeks (a total of 35 one-hour sessions). Some patients have two treatments in one day in order to complete the program more quickly. Some patients extend the program beyond 35 treatments, depending on their particular medical situation and goals.
What does EECP feel like?
EECP feels like a deep muscle massage to your legs. During the treatment, you do not feel anything in the chest or heart. You only feel the cuffs that are wrapped around your legs squeezing in time to your own heartbeat. Our patients have affectionately described this sensation as “gentle hugs.” Most of our patients relax, listen to music, or read during their treatments. Some even sleep!
Is EECP treatment comfortable?
There is a feeling of pressure from the cuffs around your legs and buttocks. Once you become accustomed to this pressure, the sessions usually pass comfortably.
How will I feel after the treatment?
EECP Therapy is often described as being like “passive exercise,” so you may feel tired after the first few days of treatment. This is normal, especially if you haven’t been exercising. Usually, once this short “training period” is over, you will begin to notice that you have more energy.
When can I expect to start feeling improvement?
Most patients begin to experience beneficial results from EECP between their 15th and 25th treatments. These benefits include increased stamina, improved sleeping patterns, decreased angina, and less reliance on nitroglycerin and other medications. There is variation, certainly, and some patients start to feel better as soon as their first week of treatment!
Why do EECP at Heal Within?
EECP + Heal Within's integrated & regenerative medicine=Total Healing
EECP in itself is good to treat Angina, CAD & Heart failure. However, lack of EECP was never the CAUSE of your heart disease. Poor nutrition, poor diet, smoking, lack of excercise, mental-emotional imbalance lead to the formation of arterial plaque and are the major causes of heart disease. EECP alone will treat the problem but if you do not bring the internal environment of your body back to balance and do not deal with the cause of the problem, you may end up with a relapse of the condition.
Therefore, at Heal Within we practice a healing methodology known as Integrated & Regenerative Medicine. In simple words, our treatment method for Heart Disease is a combination of EECP, nutrition, herbs, western medicine, diet, excercise and mental-emotional balance that is customized to every patient according to their individual condition. Using this method we have not only successfully reversed heart disease within a short amount of time but also helped our clients maintain optimal health for long periods after treatment and with no relapse.
Heal Within (also known as Klinik Holistic) is a DISEASE REVERSAL or Healing oriented clinic rather than the conventional disease management or symptomatic treatment based clinics. Besides disease reversal programs for accute and chronic ailments such as Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Fatty Liver, Hepatitis B and C, Uric acid and more; our services also include wellness programs and health screening. Dr. Lee Cheng Lok is the mastermind behind the protocol development in Heal Within.
1. The process: Submit application online=> 1st Consultation [condition analysis, treatment package, confirmation]=> Commence treatment.
You are first required to submit your application for EECP treament, here online. Upon getting your application, we will call you within 48 hours to schedule your 1st consultation wherein we will analyze your condition in detail, choose your treatment package and accordingly proceed to confirmation and schedule your treatment.
2. NO PAYMENT NECESSARY now to submit your application.
Since our slots are limited, we serve our clients based on first come first serve basis. Therefore, we highly recommend that you submit your application now via our online form, to avoid being put on waiting list and delaying your treatment. Again, no payment will be taken for application. Payment will be collected over counter only upon acceptance of application, 1st consultation and treatment confirmation.
3. Package can be changed anytime prior to confirmation and payment over counter.
For now, choose any package which you feel probable to take up. We will help you decide on your package during your first consultation session. In most cases, packages are customised as per client's condition and not stricltly adhered to Bronze, Silver or Gold.
4. Application does not bind you into a contract.
If after your first consultation, you decide to cancel, you are free to do so. Application is NOT a confirmation and DOES NOT obligate you to contract. Minimum fee for first consultation is RM80.

Packages & Pricing

Yet have questions & concerns? Talk to us. Call now 03-5621-5288
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the question text to expand the answer
What are the risks of EECP Therapy?
EECP is safe. Occasionally, some patients experience mild skin irritation under the areas of the blood pressure cuffs. Experienced EECP therapists address this irritation by using extra padding where needed to make the patient comfortable. Some patients experience a bit more fatigue at the beginning of their course of treatment, but it usually subsides after the first few sessions. In fact, patients typically feel energized by EECP.
How does EECP compare to angioplasty or bypass surgery?
The five-year outcomes for EECP patients are virtually the same as for angioplasty and bypass surgery patients.
What if I miss an appointment?
You are encouraged to come for your EECP treatment everyday. However, missing a day will not have a negative effect on your overall results. When you come back, you will simply pick up where you left off, and the missed treatment will be added to the end of your program until you have a total of 35 sessions. Just like exercise, the more consistent you are with your EECP schedule, the better your results will be.
Can I exercise during the weeks I’m receiving EECP Therapy?
Your doctor will discuss an exercise program, how and when you should begin, and how much you should do. Exercising can help you keep the benefits of your ECP treatments.
When can I resume sexual activity?
Like exercise, this is an important issue to discuss with your doctor.
Can I have therapy more than once?
Yes. If your symptoms return, your doctor will decide if you need to repeat your ECP treatments.
Can everyone have EECP Therapy?
Your doctor knows your medical history and condition and will determine if you can have EECP Therapy.
Does insurance cover EECP Therapy?
Most insurance companies over the globe have coverage policies that could cover the treatment. However, in Malaysia EECP may NOT be covered by insurance yet. Please contact your insurance company for clarification.
I have a pacemaker. Will that cause problem for EECP treatment?
No. Pacemakers and internal defibrillators do not interfere in any way with EECP.
I am on Warfarin. Will that cause a problem for EECP?
No. Patients on Warfarin are able to undergo EECP treatments safely.
I have congestive heart failure (CHF). Will that cause a problem for EECP?
No. In fact, in July 2002 the FDA approved EECP as a treatment for congestive heart failure (CHF). After completing a course of EECP treatment, patients with CHF typically have less swelling in their legs, less shortness of breath, less fatigue, and often require less diuretic medication.
I have already had bypass surgery/angioplasty/stents. Can I still have EECP?
Yes! Most of our patients have already had one (or many) of these procedures. They come for EECP treatment because they still have angina.
Can EECP dislodge plaque and cause a stroke or heart attack?
No. Our bodies obey the laws of physics, and one principle law is that fluid will follow the path of least resistance. Atherosclerotic plaques are calcified and hard, and they create an obstruction that detours the blood through alternate routes. During EECP, when your blood is flowing to your heart, it will naturally bypass arteries with plaque and enter healthy, non-diseased blood vessels to go around the blockages. Going around the blockages is a longer trip, but it is a much easier one. In time, these new pathways are reinforced and become lasting routes for blood to reach your heart beyond the blockages. Every EECP patient has had multiple, serious blockages. No one has ever had a heart attack or a stroke as a result of the treatment.
I had a blood clot in my leg three years ago. Can I have EECP?
Yes. Having a history of a blood clot (deep venous thrombosis or DVT) in your leg does not preclude you from having EECP. It is recommended that you have a Doppler ultrasound of your leg to confirm the blood clot has resolved before beginning the EECP program.
I have bad circulation in my legs (peripheral vascular disease or PVD). May I still have EECP?
Yes, and you should! EECP improves blood flow throughout the entire body, including your legs. If you have poor leg circulation, you might need more than 35 treatments. Most patients typically require at least 50 treatments to get the full benefit of the program. In addition to improved stamina, less angina, and less nitroglycerin use, patients with PVD have a marked improvement in their leg circulation in response to EECP.
I have atrial fibrillation and an irregular heartbeat. May I still have EECP?
Yes. An irregular heartbeat, including one caused by atrial fibrillation, will not interfere with EECP if the heart rate is controlled and no faster than 100 beats per minute.
I have varicose veins. May I still have EECP?
Yes. Varicose veins are typically a cosmetic issue, not a medical one. As such, they do not preclude individuals from receiving EECP. We often use extra padding in patients with varicose veins to ensure maximum comfort.
Does EECP aggravate high blood pressure (hypertension)?
No. If you have hypertension that is properly managed, you may undergo EECP without difficulty. Oftentimes, patients with hypertension find that their blood pressure improves as they proceed with EECP. If your hypertension is uncontrolled, you must seek medical care to get your blood pressure under control with proper medications before proceeding with EECP.
Is EECP FDA approved? What kind of research has been done on it?
EECP was approved by the FDA in 1995 as a treatment for coronary artery disease and angina, cardiogenic shock, and for use during a heart attack. In 2002, the FDA approved EECP as a treatment for congestive heart failure. It has undergone rigorous clinical trials at leading universities around the country and EECP has been the subject of more than 100 scientific studies published in leading medical journals throughout the world. (Please see our Clinical Studies page for more information.)
Is there an age limit for EECP?
No. We have successfully treated patients as young as 36 and as old as 97 without any difficulties. Many of our patients are in their 80s and 90s and complete the entire EECP program with excellent results.
Are there any patients who are not able to have EECP?
There are very few patients who are unable to have EECP. Those who should not be treated include pregnant women, individuals with a severe leakage in their aortic valve requiring surgical repair, and patients with an active blood clot in their leg.
Do the benefits of EECP last for a long term after treatment?
Yes. In patients followed for three to five years after treatment, the benefits of EECP, including less angina, less nitroglycerin usage, and improved blood flow patterns documented on stress tests, had lasted.
What happens if my angina returns months or years after I finish my EECP treatment course? Can I come back for more?
Yes. EECP is not a once-in-a-lifetime treatment. Heart disease is a chronic illness and symptoms may return at some point in the future. The door is always open for you to return for additional courses of EECP as needed.
In contrast, EECP is entirely non-invasive, proven by hundreds of published scientific studies, and safe. It is an accepted, mainstream medical treatment and, as such, is approved by Medicare and covered by most insurance providers around the globe.
Want to know more about Heal Within? Click here to visit our home site.

"We walk, we run;
we dance, we have fun.
No surgery, no pain;
feels like we are born again!
Thank you EECP.
Thank you Heal Within."

Yet have questions and doubts?
Not able to decide yet?

"How to solve your problem of Angina, Coronary Artery Disease, Atherosclerosis, Heart Failure; WITHOUT... Angioplasty, By-pass surgery, life-long medication or other painful & expensive procedures!"
A non-invasive, integrated & regenerative treatment approach to reverse Heart diseases.
Exclusive tea-talk session with Dr Lee Cheng Lok.
Conducted twice each month at Heal Within (Klinik Holistic), Sunway Mentari, Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Programme agenda:
Comprehensive education session
Human system working overview
Heart working overview
Causes of heart & blood vessel diseases
How to reverse heart & blood vessel diseases WITHOUT angioplasty, by-pass surgery, life-long medication & other invasive, painful & expensive procedures.
Heal Within's integrated & regenerative treatment to reverse heart & blood vessel diseases
Working & benefits of EECP
EECP + Heal Within's integrated & regenerative treatment=Total healing!
Q & A
EECP machine trial
Light snacks
before you register for this event:
If you are in a critical condition, we highly recommend that you DO NOT WAIT to attend this event to get your questions & doubts answered; rather, go straight ahead and apply to any one of our treatment packages in the "Packages & Pricing" section above. Upon getting your application, we will schedule your First Consultation session which is private with our doctor and wherein we will not only evaluate your condition in detail & design a treatment package for you but also answer all your questions & clarify your doubts. The First Consultation is a much better choice than attending this event. If you attend this event and decide to take up the treatment, you would still need to go through the First Consultation session. In addition, we schedule client's treatment on a first-come-first-serve based on the date of submitting the application online. If you attend the event and then decide to take up the treatment, you would still need to submit the application online; and because our slots are limited, you could end up on a waiting list and your treatment would be delayed.
To get your First Consultation scheduled, you are required to submit your application for treatment by clicking the "Apply Now" button in any one of the treatment packages (Bronze, Silver or Gold) shown in the "Packages & Pricing" section above. Don't worry, submitting the application does not bind your into a contract to take up the treatment. Its only an application and subject to our acceptance. At your First Consultation you have the free will to decide if you wish to go ahead with the treatment or cancel. Minimum fee for First Consultation will be RM80. If you still wish to attend the event, we recommend that you first submit the application online, and after that, submit your registration for the event.

Come attend a private tea-talk session with Dr Lee Cheng Lok himself,
right in our medical center, and get all your questions & doubts cleared out.
Advantages & Benefits of
Treatment at Heal Within:
Integrated & Regenerative medicine treatment approach customized for every patient according to their individual condition.
Certified medical physician with over 13 years experience and delivered over 20,000 health reports.
Helped over 1000 patients to avoid surgery and cut down medication.
Certified by over 25 established Integrated and Regenerative medicine courses.
High healing success rate.
Certified medical center with
state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. -
Dedicated medical team.
Recent client's healing case study report:
Client Name Mr. Ng, Age: 57
Medical History:
Surgery done in year 2012 – Angioplasty & Stent
80% Heart Blood Vessel Blockage
Introduced to Heal Within: 28/12/2014
Complaint: Angina (Chest Pain), Symptoms of Heart Attack
Treatment Period at Heal Within: 4/1/2015 – 1/3/2015
Treatment Package: EECP Gold + customised treatment
Investigation Tools: Blood Test, X-ray, Ulrasound Scanning & others
Treatment 1 : EECP & IV Chelation
Treatment 2 : Detox – Colon, Liver, Blood & Medical Sweat Detox
Treatment 3 : Rehabilitation - Herbs & Nutrient
NO Angina (Chest Pain) start of treatment 4/1/2015
OFF Cholesterol Medication
REDUCED Heart Disease Medication – Aspirin (Blood Thinner)
IMPROVED Augmentation – More blood flow back to the heart, better blood circulation back to the heart so no chest pain
CHANGED Taste Bud cravings – Back to natural taste likings resulting in reduced cravings for detrimental foods.
LOSS Visceral Fat – Internal Organ Fat